Sunday, October 28, 2007

Incantation by Alice Hoffman

Sixteen-year-old Estrella DeMadrigal writes, "I thought I knew the world. I thought I knew myself. I thought I knew my dearest friend. But I knew nothing at all." Estrella's life is changing. The fervor of the Spanish Inquistion has reached Encaleflora, her beautiful village in Aragon. Estrella witnesses the flames of persecution spark in the Plaza one day, as soldiers burn the books of an old Jewish man, and then beat him. Soon the evil flames are burning out of control; pitting neighbor against neighbor, bringing fear and deception to the once beautiful village. Amid this turmoil, Estrella discovers a dangerous secret.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cover-up by John Feinstein

Stevie Thomas and Susan Carol Robinson, teen journalists, get an opportunity of a life time to cover the Super Bowl in Indianapolis. Susan Carol will be covering the event for Kid Sports on USTV while Stevie recently fired by USTV will be covering the Super Bowl for the Washington Herald. This is the duo's third adventure together. In Last Shot, they covered the Final Four and in Vanishing Act they covered the U.S. Open. Trouble seems to follow the pair wherever they go, and it isn't any different at the Super Bowl. Susan Carol soon uncovers some information that will make national news and ruin careers. Information that certain people will do anything to keep out of the papers.